If the sample people at Costco ever hand you a sample in a zip-lock baggie, don’t eat it! This is how I know:
It’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that my ability to pay attention rivals that of a midgets ability to slam dunk a basketball, and when I have my phone in hand, my attention span to anything other than my phone is about .00001%. So this "incident" comes as no surprise to myself or anyone who has spent 5 minutes in the presence of me and my crackberry.
My parents love going to Costco, and rightfully so, I love going to Costco with them. Especially at sample lunch time or during the "poor-man’s buffet" as my sister refers to it (and that is just brilliant). I will confess that I am a little piggy, going to ALL the sample stations to taste-test everything, sometimes twice. This particular weekend day was right before Christmas and it felt like they had tripled the number of sampling stations, and this little piggy was in heaven. BUT I was also preoccupied in twittering very important facts like how I had just seen Santa shopping and finding that my favorite pinot grigio was now being distributed there, uploading pictures of Santa to my Facebook, and text messaging some guy I probably don’t even talk to anymore. All of this was far more important than paying the slightest bit of attention to the international assortment of deliciousness I was sampling.
Next to the spring roll samples and across the isle from the Lay’s chip samples, I came across a station and I briefly glanced at the "Tuna Jerky" sign. Ok, sounds interesting enough, I’ll try it. The sample was in a zip-lock baggie, but did this slow down the weekend warrior of food sampling? Of course not. I did think for a moment "well, maybe it smells bad and that is why they put it in the baggie..." (On a side note, I have learned that I will eat just about anything, even if I think it smells so bad that it needs to be quarantined to a baggie during sample time.) I am still in crackberry lalaland, so I am not listening to the sample lady’s spiel about what I just picked up and quickly open the bag and start "trying" this "tuna jerky." It is so tough that I can not even take a bite out of it. I gnaw on it for maybe 10 seconds before I give up, think "who would ever want to eat this? It is impossible to eat!" and return the sample to the baggie. As I am throwing the jerky away I overhear the sample lady say "bring home your doggie a tasty treat!" Yep. I tried it. Then I thought, heck, I need to get one to give to my dog, and as I am taking my second helping, the sample lady looks right at me, points her finger and says "these are for dogs only!" Yeah, thanks lady, I already figured that one out.
On another side note, why is Costco sampling dog food treats right next to the chip samples and the spring roll samples? Someone should look into this.
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