I bought that Falsies Mascara last night, used it this morning and I have to confess: I am super disappointed in it. It doesn’t even match up to my everyday mascara. I don’t buy a lot of makeup but was in the isle buying mascara for my mom and had been curious about this mascara. So I decided to try it.
300% more visible lashes, corner to corner
Repeat until desired look is achieved.Huh? No thank you. Plus, I don’t like the feeling of globs of mascara on my eyelashes; they feel weighed down and all I end up doing is picking it off. Even more so, I don’t want to end up looking like I’ve put on so much mascara that I only have 5 clumpy eyelashes...not cute. I guess I was under the impression that one coat or even two would give an impression of longer, thicker eyelashes, which would be great. No Maybelline, I wasn't born with it and it most certainly isn't you.
300% more visible lashes, corner to corner

One coat of the Falsies wasn’t very dark (I did buy the “blackest black” color), although on a plus it didn’t clump. I would have to say that the Falsies mascara did not make my eyelashes stand out or do I feel that they are any more visible than if I was wearing my usual mascara..they do however stand out and are more visible compared to when I have on no mascara. I went on Maybelline's webpage and apparently you have to put on a crap load of coats to get the fake eyelash look. WTF, I have a 2 minute makeup routine in the mornings and applying 50 coats of mascara on my eyelashes does not work for me, nor does it sound appealing. Plus, who wears that many coats of mascara?
Repeat until desired look is achieved.
Thank goodness most places will let you return makeup after trying it because I’m going to stick to my Lancomé mascara and not look like a tranny hooker. If anyone wants this mascara, I will gladly mail it to you, I only used it once.
I'm going for the tranny hooker look, send it to me!
Hated the Falsies, as well. Glad I'm not the only one!
(And I too have written a blog post on this very subject. You'd think mascara wouldn't be able to elicit such conversation, but apparently it can!)
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