I sent this email to my friend Rob yesterday, who responded back to me that I should post it on my blog. So that's what I'm doing. I maybe edited it a bit, but not really.
To: Rob H.
From: Penny H.
Date: February 17, 2011
Re: Hi
Well, now 12 hours later, I'm sending you another email! Today was crazy and had a huge air of suckability all over it!
I had to leave from a different train station this morning and it took longer than usual to get there because it was storming like a mother. So as I was parking my train was leaving. On my walk to the station the wind destroyed my umbrella to shreds within 2 seconds of me opening it (I would have laughed at me) and the later train was uber crowded and we all know how much I love crowds. So I had to walk to work, in the wind and rain with no umbrella, was no fun and I got drenched.
As soon as I sit down at my desk I realize that I have a huge hole in the sleeve of my new sweater.
Went next door to get a sandwich at lunch and the hem of my right pant leg came undone and my pants (at regular length) are already too long, so now I have 1.5 inches of extra pant leg dragging in the puddles.
So swamped at work today too.
Luckily: 1. Coworker had a sewing kit in her desk; 2. I can buy a new umbrella; 3. I can laugh at myself; 4. man invented margaritas and I'm about ready to have one; 5. A friend from LA is up for work and I'm going to have dinner with him; 6. Quatro is four in Spanish; 7. The SF Giants are the best baseball team, ever.
How's your day :-)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Falsies Fail
I bought that Falsies Mascara last night, used it this morning and I have to confess: I am super disappointed in it. It doesn’t even match up to my everyday mascara. I don’t buy a lot of makeup but was in the isle buying mascara for my mom and had been curious about this mascara. So I decided to try it.
300% more visible lashes, corner to corner
Repeat until desired look is achieved.Huh? No thank you. Plus, I don’t like the feeling of globs of mascara on my eyelashes; they feel weighed down and all I end up doing is picking it off. Even more so, I don’t want to end up looking like I’ve put on so much mascara that I only have 5 clumpy eyelashes...not cute. I guess I was under the impression that one coat or even two would give an impression of longer, thicker eyelashes, which would be great. No Maybelline, I wasn't born with it and it most certainly isn't you.
300% more visible lashes, corner to corner

One coat of the Falsies wasn’t very dark (I did buy the “blackest black” color), although on a plus it didn’t clump. I would have to say that the Falsies mascara did not make my eyelashes stand out or do I feel that they are any more visible than if I was wearing my usual mascara..they do however stand out and are more visible compared to when I have on no mascara. I went on Maybelline's webpage and apparently you have to put on a crap load of coats to get the fake eyelash look. WTF, I have a 2 minute makeup routine in the mornings and applying 50 coats of mascara on my eyelashes does not work for me, nor does it sound appealing. Plus, who wears that many coats of mascara?
Repeat until desired look is achieved.
Thank goodness most places will let you return makeup after trying it because I’m going to stick to my Lancomé mascara and not look like a tranny hooker. If anyone wants this mascara, I will gladly mail it to you, I only used it once.
San Francisco Giants Fan Fest 2011

I went to my very first Fan Fest this past weekend and it was awesome! Since I've lived in LA the last 8 years I always missed fan fest, so I jumped at the opportunity to go this year. Luckily, thanks to the world’s coolest brother who happens to work for the Giants, we got an early entry pass into the park and were able to get VIP front line access. The day was even better becuase not only was I at one of my favorite places ever, but I got to hang out with Breann and my new buddies Myles and Sam.

This year Fan Fest was the place to be, people were being turned away. At 11:30am the SF Giants sent out a statement asking people not to show up. We left at 1:00pm and the line was still all the way into the China Basin parking lot.
A progression of the crowd from the start of the day, 11:00am, 1:00pm
Since we got in early, we were first in line at one of the autograph stations, but none of the employees would tell us who was going to be signing at that location. So we waited, quite impatiently, eyeing everyone who walked by. First, Will Clark came into the booth, took pictures with us, shook our hands and was generally a really nice guy. Then, Brian Wilson graced us with his awesomeness. To say we were excited would be a complete understatement. We then ran up to the Clubhouse and waited in line for autographs from Barry Zito, Freddy Sanchez, and the one and only Timmy Lincecum.

After that the crowds became insane and we decided to sit behind home plate, have a beer, listen to the interviews at the KNBR stage, enjoy the sunshine and admire our loot. All in all, I got Brian Wilson and Will Clark to sign my shirt, shook Timmy's hand, had Barry Zito give me creepy eyes, got a Bochey Bobblehead, autographed trading cards, walk on the field, hangout in the dugout, discovered the field level bar, made some new friends, and got even more pumped for the 2011 season.

In my Mystrey Grab Bag I got a set of Giants trading cards. Two of them stuck out as pretty funny: Buster Posey was posing reading a Dr. Seuss book and Freddy Sanchez was eatting cantaloupe. When I handed Freddy his card to sign, he sort of stopped, looked sideways, looked up at me and asked “What am I eating?” Me:“Um, I think it is cantaloupe.” Freddy: “Funny, I don’t remember taking this picture.” Me: giggle giggle, because I’m having a conversation with Freddy Sanchez
Go Giants!!
Go Giants!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
My argument on how Space Mountain is closely based on a one night stand
Anyone who has gone on Space Mountain (the best roller coaster at Disneyland) knows that this ride is hands down awesome. It is pitch black dark, plays loud rock music, is super fast and feels like you go on a different track each time you ride it. The line for this ride is never under an hour and seems to break down quite often. Even the trek to get to the ride is a bit brutal, but thankfully the pure awesomeness of the ride makes up for it.
Several years ago (ok maybe 14 years ago) a friend of mine introduced a loose idea of a theory that the ride itself is much like having a one night stand or something along those lines. It sounded interesting so I asked him to take me through this theory, on the ride. Go on the ride after reading this, you'll thank me.
Space Mountain: First you wait in a long line to get on the ride. You overhear people talking about how cool it is, check your watch and can't believe how long you've been waiting.
Bar: Most bars/clubs you go to that are cool and worth going to generally have a long line to get in and the same waiting behavior coincides.
Space Mountain: Once you get on the ride, you smile, you know you're in. And hey, look at that, someone cute is sitting next to you
Bar: You feel a sense of accomplishment getting past the big burly bouncer, and you beeline straight to the bar and quickly proceed to order and pound 10 drinks to get caught up on the time you missed. And hey, look at that, there are some cute people in the bar.
Space Mountain: The cart starts to make an uphill climb, red lights flash, you pass through a few smoke screens, loud music plays, your excitement builds and you get ready for the ride...you know something awesome is about to happen.
Bar: You've had a few drinks and you are mingling on the dance floor. Music is blaring, lights are flashing, and smoke machines are going off. Somewhere in the back of your head "Tonight's gonna be a good night" is playing. You lock contact on your target and hone in. There's a "How you doin?" share some drinks, some laughs, some sloppy dancing...you know something amazing is about to happen.
Space Mountain: You get to the top and it slowly starts to head down. It quickly sends you into a mind blowing world of twists and turns, you put your arms up, look over in the darkness at the person next to you, face full of excitement, turn forward and scream.
Bar: You leave the bar; head back to your place, making out the entire time and are just full of excitement. There is no stopping this one way train to pleasure town ("look at that beautiful rainbow, do me on it").
Space Mountain: The cart twists and turns, up and down, going faster and faster, you are screaming, giggling, having the time of your life. It gets faster and faster, snaps your picture...
Bar: (use your imagination)
When we were testing this theory many inappropriate sounds were made on the ride at this stage, you know, to get in the moment.
Space Mountain: The ride suddenly flattens out, and makes a "woosh" sound and a blast of cool air hits your face. You have a huge smile and instinctively look at the person next to you, both of you have hair that is fully messed up and a big smile.
Bar: "wow, that was awesome”
Space Mountain: The ride comes to an end, you awkwardly get out of the seat, quickly fix your hair, exit, and repeat.
Bar: Your night comes to an end, you awkwardly say goodbye, maybe exchange numbers, maybe not, and exit. Chances are you will repeat.
Several years ago (ok maybe 14 years ago) a friend of mine introduced a loose idea of a theory that the ride itself is much like having a one night stand or something along those lines. It sounded interesting so I asked him to take me through this theory, on the ride. Go on the ride after reading this, you'll thank me.
Space Mountain: First you wait in a long line to get on the ride. You overhear people talking about how cool it is, check your watch and can't believe how long you've been waiting.
Bar: Most bars/clubs you go to that are cool and worth going to generally have a long line to get in and the same waiting behavior coincides.
Space Mountain: Once you get on the ride, you smile, you know you're in. And hey, look at that, someone cute is sitting next to you
Bar: You feel a sense of accomplishment getting past the big burly bouncer, and you beeline straight to the bar and quickly proceed to order and pound 10 drinks to get caught up on the time you missed. And hey, look at that, there are some cute people in the bar.
Space Mountain: The cart starts to make an uphill climb, red lights flash, you pass through a few smoke screens, loud music plays, your excitement builds and you get ready for the ride...you know something awesome is about to happen.
Bar: You've had a few drinks and you are mingling on the dance floor. Music is blaring, lights are flashing, and smoke machines are going off. Somewhere in the back of your head "Tonight's gonna be a good night" is playing. You lock contact on your target and hone in. There's a "How you doin?" share some drinks, some laughs, some sloppy dancing...you know something amazing is about to happen.
Space Mountain: You get to the top and it slowly starts to head down. It quickly sends you into a mind blowing world of twists and turns, you put your arms up, look over in the darkness at the person next to you, face full of excitement, turn forward and scream.
Bar: You leave the bar; head back to your place, making out the entire time and are just full of excitement. There is no stopping this one way train to pleasure town ("look at that beautiful rainbow, do me on it").
Space Mountain: The cart twists and turns, up and down, going faster and faster, you are screaming, giggling, having the time of your life. It gets faster and faster, snaps your picture...
Bar: (use your imagination)
When we were testing this theory many inappropriate sounds were made on the ride at this stage, you know, to get in the moment.
Space Mountain: The ride suddenly flattens out, and makes a "woosh" sound and a blast of cool air hits your face. You have a huge smile and instinctively look at the person next to you, both of you have hair that is fully messed up and a big smile.
Bar: "wow, that was awesome”
Space Mountain: The ride comes to an end, you awkwardly get out of the seat, quickly fix your hair, exit, and repeat.
Bar: Your night comes to an end, you awkwardly say goodbye, maybe exchange numbers, maybe not, and exit. Chances are you will repeat.
30 Little Things: 2: 15 Facts About Me
Not that you want to know 15 boring things about me, I tried to choose unique and somewhat quirky things that I do (some of which, I've been told, drive other people up the wall). So enjoy, and hey, maybe you should tell me something about you.
1. When I deposit mail in the big blue mailboxes I always close the slot then open it again and look to make sure the mail went into the box properly.
2. I think Valentines Day is a ridiculous day/holiday that was created by the Hallmark, Sees Candy and FTD Flower Company's. Plus, there are 364 perfectly good days to do the same cheesy thing without feeling obligated to do it. Don't get me wrong though, if someone shows up with pizza, wine and any of the following: Tiffany, Coach and/or Diamonds; I would be a fool to say no.
3. If I ever have to sit in the backseat of a car, I'll only sit on the passenger side, never behind the driver. I will make people move sides.
4. I have no issues with drinking a bottle of wine in one night. One for me.
5. I back-in to parking spots when able to.
6. I am the worlds biggest klutz. Here are some of the more "memorable" occurrences from the past 4 years: given myself a black-eye with a freezer door; a mild concussion by hitting my head on the refrigerator; fallen out of my car...sober; tore a ligament in my foot walking; trip at least once a day; consistently have 3 or more bruises at any given time; nicknamed Grace; fallen off the treadmill because I was looking at a cute guy walking by and forgot I was running on it.
7. I refuse to eat lima beans and cauliflower. When I was a kid I read a book called Bunnicula (about a vegetarian vampire rabbit who would suck all the juice out of the vegetables in the fridge and turn them white) and ever since I won't eat white vegetables. And I think Lima beans are just plain gross.
8. I had a pet potbelly pig who was a house-pet. Her name was Petunia and she was the best.
9. I hate slow drivers, the Prius (sorry friends who drive one, I just don't like the car) and have a lead foot. Yes Tom Cruise, I have the need for speed.
10. Traveling gives me the worst anxiety. I love to travel but something about it freaks me out. I once went to Puerto Rico and had anxiety attacks for a whole week prior to leaving. Once I get to my destination I'm totally fine, its just getting there that makes me act like a crazy person.
11. I have cold weather turrets. Meaning when I enter cold weather, very unlady like language starts spewing from my mouth and I sound like a common salior, repeatedly. I'm much more of a beach person. I used to tell people that I was allergic to crystalized forms of water and temperatures below 30.
12. I am terrified of snakes, I can't even look at a picture of one. I get the hebegebees just thinking about them. Even right now. Yuck.
13. I hate walnuts and think it is disgusting when people add any kind of nuts to baked goods (brownies, fudge, cookies, cakes, pancakes, etc.) except for peanuts and only in a select few items like snickers or peanut butter cookies or rocky road fudge.
14. I make my bed every morning (even if my room is a trash hole). It keeps your sheets at the perfect temperature when getting back into bed later. If the house is cold, the sheets won't be as cold. And it makes the room look nice. And easier to pile things on top of the bed.
15. I can't watch any of the following: scary movies; bloody-gory movies; movies with constant gunfire; movies with Justin Beiber; zombie movies; and movies/shows about snakes. I'll have terrible nightmares and won't sleep for days. Commercials for scary movies even creep me out. My ex used to say that "If it doesn't play "It's a Small World" in it, she won't like it." Yes, I am a sucker for all things Disney (hey look, that technically is 16 things...I'm such an over achiever).
(For background and to see what I have done so far on the 30 Little Things project click here. Also follow Home Sweet Sarah's 30 Things, since I got the idea from her)
1. When I deposit mail in the big blue mailboxes I always close the slot then open it again and look to make sure the mail went into the box properly.
2. I think Valentines Day is a ridiculous day/holiday that was created by the Hallmark, Sees Candy and FTD Flower Company's. Plus, there are 364 perfectly good days to do the same cheesy thing without feeling obligated to do it. Don't get me wrong though, if someone shows up with pizza, wine and any of the following: Tiffany, Coach and/or Diamonds; I would be a fool to say no.
3. If I ever have to sit in the backseat of a car, I'll only sit on the passenger side, never behind the driver. I will make people move sides.
4. I have no issues with drinking a bottle of wine in one night. One for me.
5. I back-in to parking spots when able to.
6. I am the worlds biggest klutz. Here are some of the more "memorable" occurrences from the past 4 years: given myself a black-eye with a freezer door; a mild concussion by hitting my head on the refrigerator; fallen out of my car...sober; tore a ligament in my foot walking; trip at least once a day; consistently have 3 or more bruises at any given time; nicknamed Grace; fallen off the treadmill because I was looking at a cute guy walking by and forgot I was running on it.
7. I refuse to eat lima beans and cauliflower. When I was a kid I read a book called Bunnicula (about a vegetarian vampire rabbit who would suck all the juice out of the vegetables in the fridge and turn them white) and ever since I won't eat white vegetables. And I think Lima beans are just plain gross.
8. I had a pet potbelly pig who was a house-pet. Her name was Petunia and she was the best.
9. I hate slow drivers, the Prius (sorry friends who drive one, I just don't like the car) and have a lead foot. Yes Tom Cruise, I have the need for speed.
10. Traveling gives me the worst anxiety. I love to travel but something about it freaks me out. I once went to Puerto Rico and had anxiety attacks for a whole week prior to leaving. Once I get to my destination I'm totally fine, its just getting there that makes me act like a crazy person.
11. I have cold weather turrets. Meaning when I enter cold weather, very unlady like language starts spewing from my mouth and I sound like a common salior, repeatedly. I'm much more of a beach person. I used to tell people that I was allergic to crystalized forms of water and temperatures below 30.
12. I am terrified of snakes, I can't even look at a picture of one. I get the hebegebees just thinking about them. Even right now. Yuck.
13. I hate walnuts and think it is disgusting when people add any kind of nuts to baked goods (brownies, fudge, cookies, cakes, pancakes, etc.) except for peanuts and only in a select few items like snickers or peanut butter cookies or rocky road fudge.
14. I make my bed every morning (even if my room is a trash hole). It keeps your sheets at the perfect temperature when getting back into bed later. If the house is cold, the sheets won't be as cold. And it makes the room look nice. And easier to pile things on top of the bed.
15. I can't watch any of the following: scary movies; bloody-gory movies; movies with constant gunfire; movies with Justin Beiber; zombie movies; and movies/shows about snakes. I'll have terrible nightmares and won't sleep for days. Commercials for scary movies even creep me out. My ex used to say that "If it doesn't play "It's a Small World" in it, she won't like it." Yes, I am a sucker for all things Disney (hey look, that technically is 16 things...I'm such an over achiever).
(For background and to see what I have done so far on the 30 Little Things project click here. Also follow Home Sweet Sarah's 30 Things, since I got the idea from her)
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