Being new to this whole blogging thing and needing some fun ideas to write about, I really liked this blog idea that my twitter friend homesweetsarah posted and I decided to jump on her bandwagon, which was also a bandwagon she jumped on, and tackle these 30 prompts.
Now it would be a remarkable feat for me to knock one out a day for 30 days, but let’s face the facts: I have park people watching, train adventures, reality televison and dating to tend to as well, so who knows how long it will take. Plus, if I have a “deadline” I will be more inclined to procrastinate until 1 week before said deadline and then inundate everyone with 30 mindless and quickly drafted posts.
If anyone has an idea for #30, send it my way! So for your forthcoming enjoyment, here are the prompts, to be posted in any order of my choosing:
1.Your work space
2.The best part of your day
3.Something you refuse to do
4.Last book you read
5.Meaning behind your blog name
6.Talent you wish you had
7.A photo of you without makeup
8.Last item you purchased
9.Something that makes you sad
10.15 facts about you
11.Your favorite thing right now
12.Best Christmas present you ever got
13.Your favorite teacher
14.Something you’re thankful for
15.A photo from your childhood
16.Something you crave
17.Your worst hair moment
18.Favorite smells
19.Last time you cried
20.Last time you had to apologize to someone
21.Something that scares you
22.Something that really bugs you
23.What you dislike most about your appearance
24.Celebrity crush
25.A trait you deplore in others
26.A photo taken 10 years ago
27.First book/movie/song that moved you
28.What turns you off
29.The story behind one of your scars
30.This one was left blank, so how about you pick it...
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